The first 1000 days of life Image - BFWO

The First 1000 Days Of Life | 2024-12-04 02:15:28 | News

The first 1000 days of life are unrepeatable in a whole lifetime from health perspective

The first 1000 days of life are the golden between the first day of pregnancy and the end of the child's 2nd year. It is a unique opportunity, when the foundations of ideal health, growth and neurodevelopment for the complete lifetime is developed. The way of feeding and paying attention to the child during these days will have similar effects throughout his life.

These 1000 days include three important stages:

·        The stage of the first 270 days of pregnancy in which the brain system and all human organs and parts are formed.

·        The stage of the first 360 days of life or infancy in which the brain is growing rapidly.

·        The stage of the second 360 days of life in which the child's main skills, including walking and talking are formed.

Due to the very fast growth and development, the child has its own nutritional needs in these 1000 days) Primary growing stages in the womb, breastfeeding, the beginning of complementary food and the infantile period (. Therefore, proper nutrition of mother and child plays a vital role in this period and on the contrary, improper nutrition increases the possibility of getting various diseases, including malnutrition for both.

Because the brain, body and immune system grow and evolve significantly during these days, appropriate fitness and diet should be considered at each stage. In addition to that, enrich food supplements should be added to the list of foods for mother and child for their favorable health. On the other hand, paying attention to feeding, loving and creating a healthy environment for the child is one of the most effective things in children's life that parents should not ignore.




D. E. L. Nutrition, "Danone Early Life Nutrition," [Online]. Available:


P. a. M. K. G. M. Sarah Cusick, "The first 1,000 days of life: The brain’s window of opportunity," 12 04 2013. [Online]. Available: